New Hope has different ways to intentionally serve and share life with our neighboring community. From providing scholarships for our Little Sprouts Pre-school or building relationships with our un-housed neighbors, we invite you to learn more below!
Little Sprouts Pre-school
In 2002, New Hope purchased and renovated the 2626 E 16th property in part from proceeds from its successful Oak Park Apartments lawsuit (see more of this story and New Hope's History here). In response to the desires and needs of the local community for quality early-childhood programming, Little Sprouts Preschool was created. The program runs Monday through Friday from 7:30am to 5:30pm.
Little Sprouts Preschool believes in developing the whole-child (physically, mentally, social-emotionally, and spiritually) through age appropriate play-based activities. The program balances structure and free-choice, including child-initiated play as well as teacher directed activities. They treat each child with love and respect as a unique individual created in the image of God.
As a body, we seek to continue to build love in the heart of the city by becoming our partner as a "Sproutlet Sponsor" monthly donor. The funds provide vital support that offer scholarships to immigrant and low-income families. To learn more about being a Sproutlet Sponsor or about Little Sprouts program in general, please check out the school's web site: LittleSproutsOakland.org.

Our Unhoused Neighbors
As we aim to share life with our unhoused neighbors, we have developed programs to meet their unique needs. One was our weekly shower ministry which has now grown into a meal service. Every Sunday we have the opportunity to prepare and serve breakfast and dinner with our neighbors. We welcome individuals or groups to join us in this opportunity to meet and connect with our often forgotten neighbors.